[Ti] Broken Power Plug Tip stuck in TI-400

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Tue Dec 27 21:11:15 PST 2005

Jerry Krinock <jerry at ieee.org> writes:
> Use the term "torx screwdriver".  Look at the screws carefully  
> before you
> begin, though.  The two above the speaker grilles are hex, not torx.

Though in a pinch, a torx will work on those too.  The only  
disadvantage is that it will probably cause some damage to the  
screwdriver if you use it like that, so only use cheap, replaceable  
tools there.  (Also, note that the screws above the speaker grills  
are NOT present on the Titaniums, those are only on certain sized  
aluminum models.  The Ti just has the 8 or so phillips or torx screws  
on the bottom, plus whatever's on the inside.  To get to the power on  
those, you have to take the whole logic board out; later models put  
the plug on a separate DC board.)

One of the most invaluable tools you can have for disassembling the  
laptop is a nylon stick; something that won't scratch or mark metal,  
but can be used for prying or poking as necessary.  Those are  
essentially disposable, if you do a lot of laptop work.  After a  
while, they get dull, bent, and useless.  Tiny phillips screwdrivers  
are also nice.  Given enough practice, you can get in and out of  
those laptops in just a couple minutes, even with all the screws and  
hidden latches and the like.

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