[Ti] Metal thing blocking VGA port...

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 2 08:53:54 PST 2005

It's been a while since I've opened a PowerBook since I'm no longer 
working for an Apple Authorized Service Provider, but I recall that 
there is a magnet inside the case along the back between some of the 
ports - I think to help hold the port cover closed.  Perhaps it came 
unglued, and got attracted to the metal shell of the VGA connector.
Why don't you take a nice closeup picture, and either E-mail it to me 
or send the URL to me and/or the list - I'll confirm if it's the right 
shape and size for this magnet, or if it's something else.

As far as getting to it to either remove it or put it back in place, it 
would be difficult.  You'd have to remove the logic board - it can be 
tricky getting it back in place once you've pulled it out.  Also, you'd 
want to replace the thermal pad between the CPU and the heatsink after 
breaking the one that's there now when removing the logic board; and 
most average people don't have thermal pads lying around the house. ;-)

John <simplymail at ururk.com> writes:
> If I need to, I can post a picture, but...
> I have a PB G4, 550...
> and in the back, where the VGA port is, sandwiched between the metal
> and "inner" metal, there is this round thing - I can shove it to the
> side, otherwise it gets in the way of my external monitor plug. Anyone
> know? I'm not missing any magnets, and didn't drop anything (how could
> something get back there???). And if anyone knows what it is, is there
> any possibility of me getting to it?

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