[Ti] Re: XBench 800 MHZ DVI compared with 1.6 GHZ 64MB VRAM

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Fri Feb 4 06:11:24 PST 2005

On Feb 4, 2005, at 7:48 AM, Robin Jackson wrote:

> Any thoughts from the folks here?

Don't get caught up in the marketing hype surrounding the "megahertz 
myth".  I would think Mac users, of all people, would know this after 
watching the Intel Marketing Machine perpetuate this myth for years.  
Clock cycles is not what gets the work done.  It's used to sell 
computers.  Clock cycles makes heat, not efficiency.

Consider an analogy:
We have a road on which traffic drives at 150 mph.  But the road is 
only single lane, there's frequent crashes, and the onramps (pipes) are 
constantly clogged.

OTOH, we have a four lane freeway where traffic flows smoothly at 65 

Which system will move more traffic (data)?

The answer to real computing power is wide data pipes, not stacking 
more clock cycles on top to appease people who've learned from the 
Intel Marketing Machine that clock cycles == power.

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