It might be time that you used the iPod Updater to ³Restore² your iPod. When you do this, it will erase everything in it: songs, photos, calendar, etc. as well as the system. Then it will write a fresh system to your iPod. You will then need to let iTunes write everything back to your iPod (time intensive for sure). The good news is that when you do this, generally your iPod behaves much better and your battery usually lasts longer between charges. By the way, Micromat has a utility called Podlock that backs up all the stuff in your iPod to your hard drive making the restoration much quicker and easier. It will also check the volume directory and repair it if necessary. And it will Optimize your files for you. Finally it will also let you create a encrypted partition on your iPod on which you can write sensitive data. jg Sam Moussly typed this message on 2/26/05 1:18 PM: > I formated my HD a few days ago and did a fresh instation to my PB. But > for some reason my OS is not recognizing my iPod. Everytime I connect > my iPod to my PB my finder freezes and the rainbow wheel comes up. Mind > you this happened even before the new iPod update.