[Ti] like hell freezing over ?

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Sun Jun 5 09:31:20 PDT 2005

This is rather inaccurate.  First of all, the G5 does not *require* 9  
fans; Apple *chose* to use 9 fans because then all of them can run  
very slowly, generating as little noise as possible while keeping the  
machine well within its normal operating temperatures.  The liquid  
cooling is also fairly unnecessary, and is mostly used because the G5  
is a much smaller chip than any of Intel's chips, hence its power  
dissipation is much more dense.  So, even though the G5 takes  
significantly less power than most Intel or other x86 chips, cooling  
is sometimes more difficult because everything is so dense.

So, in reality, the cooling system in the G5 is incredibly  
overpowered for what it's doing.

Henry Kalir <kalirhe at umdnj.edu> writes:
> You cite Intel's "..[boring] power-hungry processor lineup" yet  
> fail to
> mention that the G5 requires NINE cooling fans as well as **liquid
> cooling** for the CPU to deal with the heat generated by its  
> components.

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