On Jun 7, 2005, at 10:34 AM, John Griffin wrote: > Here is another issue that nobody has mentioned. Apple has just > come out with a Development kit for $1K (US) that Develpers have to > use to convert their software to the Intel Platform. > > Excuse me? They developers have suddenly had the rug pulled out > from under them and are expected to shell out one thousand bucks > for the “privilege” of downgrading their applications so they will > work on an inferior platform? > > I am steaming on this one!!! And they aren't buying it, they are renting it for 18 months. "Inferior" is, of course, relative. A dual-G5 may be better than what Intel has to offer (today)... as long as you don't need mobility. Since laptops outsold desktop in May (*), Apple is betting on the future rather than the past. Despite the indignation of some, Apple will go forward, the sky will not fall, and this will not be the end of OS X or Apple. There was plenty of indignation over the previous changes made too. TjL (*) http://news.com.com/2102-1047_3-5731417.html?tag=st.util.print