At 7:06 PM -0400, 6/7/05, naegelewdc at wrote: >You guys are the computer geniuses, and I am sorry for raising this >issue if it has been addressed already, but do new Intel chips mean >that Apple's OSX and future iterations have to be scrapped? In >other words, OSX is much more stable than the Windows operating >system and more immune to viruses. Does that all go away with new >computer chips? To most users like yourself, this change should cause you no worry. There will be nothing that will have to be thrown away or will stop working. New computers will work differently should you choose to purchase one. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Robert Ameeti The Police Are Not Here To Create Disorder. They're Here To Preserve Disorder. - Former Chicago Mayor Daley During The Infamous 1968 Convention <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>