Hi Mike, To be honest, i have had the same iBot for quite a while, and hadn't really noticed the difference with the newer codecs. I'm a fan of the apps that employ the H.264, though, no question about it, and i'll be giving it a closer look, now that the idea was brought up. But, 'grainy'...hmmm. that's a film 'feature'...<laughs> It only resembles a 'bug'. Seriously, with BTV Pro, sorenson, good available lighting, the iBot was a killer when it came out. Do I wish it had a Zeiss lens? Sure, why not. That would make hitting the 'price point' pretty tough, though. But i think 'grain' has more to do with aperture, lens quality, bit-rate and lighting, than the codec. just a hunch. I haven't checked out the iSight. I tried, with a borrowed one, but was on an older OS, and had some issue that made it hard to get recognized. (details are murky due to time/significance at the time, etc). I do know this: When I saw Mr. Jobs chatting with his buddies (who looked 'scared', somewhat) during the keynote a year ago, I took into consideration that all participants were on dedicated GServes, VPN'd, with mega-everything underneath. Not exactly 'real world', for most of us. People are using Canon, Sony, Panasonic and JVC handycam-like machines for most of the 'high-q' stuff out on the web cam nethers... I'm curious about the iSight specs, though. brian s Mike Bigley wrote: >>>Couple of questions: >>>Do I need to upgrade to Tiger to take advantage of the latest iChat? >> >>Not to the best of my knowledge. However, it >>does add the ability to video or audio chat >>with more than one other person at a time. > >The H.264 codec is awesome as well. I have an >Orange Micro iBot and the quality is almost as >good as the original iSight prior it was grainy >and generally crappy. > >-Mike >_______________________________________________ >Titanium mailing list >Titanium at listserver.themacintoshguy.com >http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/titanium > >Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmacguy1984