Hi All I asked for information awhile ago comparing the 800Mhz and 1.67Ghz PowerBooks running VPC. Well there was plenty of 'benchmark' information around, some of it conflicting. I saw a post or two telling me that about the Mhz myth. Well real life is interesting. My machine arrived on Tuesday night and yesterday and today I have been using with VPC. So here is my real feedback after one and a bit days. WONDERFUL.......... Old Machine - 800Mhz, 80Gb 4200rpm drive and 1Gb memory. New machine - 1.67Ghz, 100Gb 5400rpm drive and 1.5Gb memory. The machines are like chalk and cheese. VPC was barely useable, window refresh was slow and sometimes jerky, response to clicks could take forever but it did work. The new machine feels much more than double the speed? I say 'feels' as I am sure it is not, but now it is ALMOST a pleasure to use. Far more responsive, snappier and just a much more pleasant and less frustrating experience. If you are wondering whether to make the change? I regret having waited so long, go for it. Robin