10 nov 2005 kl. 10.37 skrev Dr Trevor J. Hutley: > I normally use Lucida Sans or Arial in my Keynote charts. The > fonts I mentioned [ , Arial-BoldMS, Arial-BoldItalicMS, Arial- > ItalicMS, etc.], that Keynote says are missing, are not fonts that > I ever recall using or choosing. --------- Sounds obvious that Keynote reports the wrong trouble. I would make another test Keynote in the manner you usually do, perhaps repeate a page or two from one which is now report missing fonts. Then log out and back in and check what Keynote has to say about this new document. If that appears OK I would open the "complaining" version and compare. I assume Keynote will replace the missing fonts with its best alternative and you can then see if there is any difference. Maybe it is just complaining but still offers the result you created from the beginning. If now however, your new testversion also reports missing fonts, then you know which fonts are likely to be corrupted in your system and need to be replaced. Your Lucida Sans or Arial may be too old and should be renewed so that it will not be misstaken by Keynote to be ment to be something other than you mean them to be. Just a suggestion that might help you along or make somebody else connect to a further solution. :-) Lisbeth in Gothenburg <http://homepage.mac.com/holisticum/> updat 050215 <http://www.got-a-mac.org> medlemssida för Got-a-Mac (Mug in Gothenburg)