[Ti] OpenOffice on Mac

Mikael Byström mikael.bystrom at punkass.com
Mon Nov 21 14:04:14 PST 2005

Chris Olson said:

>I've had some trouble getting Keynote or Pages to import CVS dumps  
>from our database server into a spreadsheet. 
Yes, I can imagine this as I suspect it was not designed for imports of
that. It would be useful if many different formats could be imported into
Pages at least. I haven't had the opportunity to check out iWork myself,
but I'm keen on finding replacement apps for clients, so the subject is
very interesting.

> Until they add some  
>sort of spreadsheet application so it can do that - no - it's not a  
>viable replacement for MS Office.

For a while I've been using Ragtime 5.6.4 for much of my document needs.
Unfortunately, Ragtime is showing its age in many areas, even if I kind
of like its sometimes obscure ways of doing things. So I'm drifting
towards using OmniOutliner for the typical short documents I write nowadays.
When I write longer I will try and use OpenOffice and derivatives. 

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