[Ti] Re: OpenOffice on Mac

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Wed Nov 23 22:33:51 PST 2005

Mikael Bystr?m <mikael.bystrom at punkass.com> writes:
> Justin R. Miller said:
>> FWIW, I believe Apple now has a trademark on the name "Numbers" for a
>> software application.
> Interesting. Why do you believe this?

They don't yet have the trademark; they applied for it this summer,  
and the US Patent and Trademark Office hasn't really done anything  
with it since.  If you want to search, it's Serial Number 78646677.   
Pages is serial number 78425029, and was applied for in May 2004, but  
has not been granted yet.  Another interesting one; they applied for  
"iPodcast" in September.
Visit www.uspto.gov to search trademarks (or patents).

There are some other interesting ones in the system for Apple; for  
example, Lynx (under the classification of Operating Systems).  Of  
course, nothing will confuse everybody as much as trying to figure  
out why Apple owns the mammals.org domain.  ;-)

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