On Sep 21, 2005, at 4:01 PM, Chris Olson wrote: > The only way you're going to get the buying public to buy your > overpriced hardware is if you have a compelling reason to justify > it. Let's assume that compelling reason is Mac OS. Now you have > to get the message out there, which Apple doesn't do. All I see on > TV is iPod ads. When the G5 was introduced all I saw was some poor > dude getting blown out the side of his house and smacked into a > tree. I have yet to see Apple actually advertise Mac OS in recent > times. > > OTOH, I see Microsoft advertising Windows all the time with their > "discover the world of software and devices that run on Windows" > ad. I see IBM with their ThinkPad ads on TV where the klutz in the > office knocks over the water cooler trying to impress the office > babe. And the other one with the guy at the airport with the > bionic finger on the ThinkPad's fingerprint sensor. All I see from > Apple lately is dancing silhouettes. How much you wanna' bet 75% > of the computer buying public don't even know Apple *sells* > computers anymore? > I don't recall any TV ads for Apple products other than the iPod recently either, but I have seen an ad for Tiger in Newsweek (one of the few non-industry mags I read). The ad is a full 2-page spread and each page has a picture of a Cinema Display. One showing the results of a Spotlight search for 'soccer' with the caption of 'Find stuff.', the other showing some Dashboard Widgets with the caption 'Find out stuff.' Underneath the two displays are a few lines of marketing speak: Introducing Tiger, the worlds most advanced operating system...etc...etc..' and a list of it's 'advanced' features. jon