[Ti] During the recall

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Sun Aug 27 10:17:59 PDT 2006

Personally I think the whole issue is a bit of a tempest in a teapot. 
If it was a *real* serious issue they wouldn't be allowing us to keep 
the batteries until the new ones arrive. While happy to get a new 
battery form them, none of the Apple batteries have gone boom with 
only a couple of complaints and this after 1.8 million in the field. 
I'm using my 1.67 AI as usual. Always kept my powerbooks on a 
minimalist lap pad for increased ventilation and protection and will 
continue to do so.


>If I'm away for a week or two and the recalled battery is out, I would
>prefer not to leave my AlBook plugged in at home.
>On 8/26/06, at 9:49 PM, Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu said:
>>It will, eventually.  The internal battery is enough for several 
>>minutes to several hours of sleep (depending on the model), or 
>>probably several days while shut down.  It is rechargeable; the 
>>recommended procedure to charge it is to charge the main battery, 
>>then leave the computer plugged in for 24 hours.
>>However, is there any particular reason to NOT leave it plugged in?  
>>It might help prolong the life of the internal battery - they don't 
>>die often, but it can happen...  And it's not as easy to get replaced 
>>as the internal batteries used on a desktop Mac; the batteries are 
>>custom, and sometimes come permanently attached to the circuit board 
>>for the PMU.
>>"T.L. Miller" <tlmiller at mac.com> writes:
>>>  Apple recommends that you remove the recalled battery and plug in 
>>>  the AC
>>>  adapter when you want to use your Mac. If the computer is turned off,
>>>  will the internal battery get drained if the adapter isn't used after
>>>  the battery has been removed?
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