Hi, every time I connect my miniDV camcorder and launch up a simple app to display video (HackTV, VideoViewer then even iChat, iMovie - whatever) the picture is choppy, like 1-4fps, CPU load about 90% and raising up to 100% when large moves are made - so there is no power left to encode video for iChat :/ But when I record a movie in iMovie - no frame dropped and everything is cool - 40% CPU and very high disk activity (obvious :)...when I play that movie at full DV/PAL resolution -- It doesn't skip and everything is cool again. So why does it generate so much usage when displaying video - even if I switch to 160x120 in HackTV - it's 85%.... Will iSight solve my problem ? They say 600MHz G3 or any G4/ G5 so my 400MHz PowerBook seems to fit right in with no problem :) What I want is user's experience with iSight and live video viewing/ recording/videocalling on "slow" G4s. BTW I also used EvoCam to record movies - onscreen choppy and the file - OK, but compression did't ran realtime - it ended after 3 seconds... QuickTime streaming had no chance.