[Ti] Intel Mac Mini?

Bob Jacobsen Bob_Jacobsen at lbl.gov
Sat Feb 25 14:55:29 PST 2006

At 4:45 PM -0600 2/25/06, Chris Olson wrote:
>On Feb 25, 2006, at 4:35 PM, Bob Jacobsen wrote:
>>Is there a CERT advisory?
>However, you can take the CERT advisory with a grain of salt.  We've 
>determined that it extends well beyond Safari to Launch Services 
>(launchd) and the default bash shell.  We've found that turning off 
>"Open Safe Files After Download" in Safari does NOT "fix" it.  We've 
>developed a full exploit of the vulnerability that will execute 
>outside Safari in normal workflow.
>Again, wanna' try it?

Why should I?

I strongly question the motives and ethics of somebody who would 
distribute something that _deliberately_ causes damage when the same 
point can be made by distributing something that doesn't.

Bob_Jacobsen at lbl.gov +1-510-486-7355 fax +1-510-643-8497 AIM, Skype JacobsenRG

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