Hi all. I have an old black heavy Powerbook G3 Series (14.1 TFT, 64 MB RAM, 1 GB Harddrive), in addition to my 17" Ti PB. Zip Drive, 3" floppy, ethernet, and what I think was called the SCZI? interface too. (This may be the Lombard version?) 5 questions: 1. Will any brand of Mac OS X run on this G3? Since there is no CD drive, can it be installed via Ethernet? 2. Where can I get a powercord (those black box things with the cord coming from it). Ebay? Or anyone here offer/sell/give me one? 3. What good use can this be in today's world with 1 GB HD and 64 RAM? 4. Can the RAM still be upgraded to more? 5. Can this be used as external Something-or-other to my 17"? David david at ferleger.com