Strange that. Because in earlier versions if I ran Repair Permissions twice then the first time it fixed them and on second run none of them would appear again, they were fixed. That is not happening anymore? Robin > From: <titanium-request at> > Reply-To: <titanium at> > Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:22:14 -0800 (PST) > To: <titanium at> > Subject: Titanium Digest, Vol 17, Issue 34 > > The "Using Special Permissions" message is not a problem, it is > simply informing you that the permissions are "special" on that item. > > It's not a problem, other than Apple shouldn't be telling you that it > is using special permissions on files and folders even though it's > not a problem and you can't do anything about it anyway. (ie. It's > not a problem, just ignore those messages)