[Ti] OT - digital workflow

Lisbeth Zachs zachs at swedenmail.com
Wed Jul 12 01:22:43 PDT 2006

11 jul 2006 kl. 22.59 skrev alexandre:
> Bought me Aperture
> What file should i work on? the original? a copy? and so on…
One thing Aperture has in common with iPhoto is that it doesn't touch  
your original.

When you do alterations Aperture simply save up the "atribute" (sorry  
for my lack of technical English) for what you have done. You can  
have several adjusted versions of the same original without it  
increasing your datebase more than slightly. This means that you have  
to export the improved version when you want somebody else to recieve  
the photo with the alterations done to it.

The whole idea with Aperture is that you shouldn't need any other  
sorting for you photos, but I can't remember how you keywords was  
handled, but it was possible to use PhotoShop within the program (or  
out and back). I suggest you look careful how i handles those two,  
for most very, important issues.

When you know the supplier of your product it is often better to  
search their site than to google for the information. :-)


To the right you have among other QuickTime movies one called  
Aperture Quick Tours and it should give you a good taste and start.  
 From the link above you should also find a forum where you can  
discuss with other users and please do not forget to get the update  
to the latest version. The program is very new and Apple keeps  
adjusting details and improvements.

Considered posting this Off list, but thought perhaps this  
information could interest some people on this list since you do need  
a _competent_ Mac to run Aperture. (My Ti 400 is definitly not  
enough) Apple has "hinted" that there may be a Aperture Express in  
the pipeline similar to that Final Cut Pro got a Final Cut Express  
after a little while.

Lisbeth in Gothenburg
<http://homepage.mac.com/holisticum/> updat 050215
<http://www.got-a-mac.org> medlemssida för Got-a-Mac (Mug in Gothenburg)

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