My apologies if this is a common issue I should know about, but the trackpad on my Tibook has recently begun freezing and I was hoping to find a simple fix for this annoying problem. Description: 800 MHz PPC G4, 1GB, OSX 10.3.9 Trackpad either (1.) becomes sluggish and only responds to excessive pressure (and then not very well); or (2.) freezes entirely. Keyboard commands always work, even when the trackpad freezes, so I can cycle through open windows and save work before restarting. Upon restart, the trackpad usually works. If I completely disconnect the power and remove the battery, it always works for a time on restart. The problem is intermittent. It sometimes goes for a couple of days without reappearance. But it recently has been happening several times a day. It appears to run in streaks -- i.e., happening several times in a row after only a few minutes of work, followed by a few hours of normal operation. It also appears to happen more frequently with certain applications (with a variety of web browsers and with MS Office components). It also happens more often when I'm switching between applications. Any insights are appreciated. Many thanks.