[Ti] Has My Ti Died ?

Sean Ferguson seanferguson at bellsouth.net
Fri Jun 16 13:02:10 PDT 2006

Hello to all,

Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated concerning the  
following problems with my Ti 550/OS 10.4.5. It's drive was replaced  
3 years ago and it's logic board was replaced last July. But:

1) Last month, the Ethernet Port stopped working. Now, plugging it  
into my router port just causes the router activity light to blink  
incessantly like I'm downloading a huge file. Swapping Ethernet  
cables and router ports make no difference. My desktop still works  
fine with the router (though 1 of the router's 4 ports did stop  
working months ago). Plugging the PowerBook directly into the DSL  
modem causes the modem's "Ethernet" light to go off; and Apple  
Hardware Test says everything passes, including Ethernet. I've  
considered buying a wireless card and router to get back online - but  
if it's the motherboard again, it's money spent for nothing.

2) Today, the PowerBook refuses to boot from it's drive. I was  
booting into Target mode to transfer some files when I got a  
"Unrecognized Format - Initialize?" message. Restarting gives me a  
flashing "Folder/?" message. It boots from a DiskWarrior CD, but  
DiskWarrior cannot see a volume to rebuild. And I can't re-install  
from the Tiger CD because there is no volume to select - and Disk  
Utility shows the drive, but no volumes (it also shows:  
"...S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified...;" "...Writable: Yes...;" and  
"...Mac OS 9 Drivers Installed: No [though one of my two volumes ran  
OS 9.2.2]..."). Clicking "Erase" to reformat the drive produces the  
message: "Disk Erase Failed with the error: Input/output error." Once  
more, Apple Hardware Test shows no problems - Everything passes! ...  
A new hard drive might fix it, but again I'm throwing money away if  
it has unfixable motherboard problems.

Please...What do I do?
Sean Ferguson

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