> From: T Molnar <tam at em.ca> > Subject: [Ti] power connection ...problem > I am trying to track down a problem with the charging system on my > tibook. > > Here's what happens. > Though the battery is fully charged and the unit plugged in the icon > will report 0% charged, then it will flip to showing 99% charged. > It will fluctuate between these every few minutes but there's no > regular consistency to this change. > While typing this email this flip flop has gone on 3 times but now > hasn't changed for 10 minutes. > > When it's at 0% I unplug it and of course the machine goes to sleep. > When it's at 99% I unplug it and it runs on the battery. One thing you can do, and i have had this happen, the same symptoms after a repair at Apple, was to take the battery out. Note where the brass connectors on the battery slide into a plastic housing on the board at the top in the battery compartment. There are two screws for this connecter on the board, make sure they are tight. Also, if you have replaced your hard drive recently, or apple did a repair and had to remove it and put it back...whatever....if you did not put the hex screws back in all the way, through the holes and rubber grommets...all the way...just a tip sticking out or so, this screw head will put pressure on the battery and this will cause the battery to not seat and connect properly and in turn this leads to the erratic charging numbers you are seeing. See if this works. If you need more info, please email me off list. I had this exact issue after a recent apple repair and my Ti and this turned out to be the solution. Hope this works for you. Cheers Fred