Often problems like this can be resolved by rebooting with the shift key down (safeboot mode). This will bypass much of the startup detritus that can get corrupted from time to time. It will also perform a fsck function (same as Disk Utility) and examine and repair your directory where possible. If that does not work, you should probably boot from your System Install disk that came with your computer and go to the Disk Utility that resides on the DVD. Once you have everything working properly, I strongly recommend using AppleJack about once a week. This is a freeware item that can be launched in Single User mode and can scan and repair your disk directory, clean caches, inspect preferences and remove any that are corrupt and repair permissions. jg On 2-May-06, at 6:37 PM, Scott Smith wrote: > Listas, > > what is the solution to a laptop that won't run unless you create a > new account and start up from it? My kid's 12" G4 won't get beyond > the spinning beach ball when he tries to log on. I can log via my > account. What exactly does one do to get rid of the corrupted > info? I'd hate to have to do a complete system reinstall if it can > be avoided. > > Scott