[Ti] Ti running hot

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Sun May 28 05:40:08 PDT 2006

In my experience, by far the biggest factor is what surface you put  
directly in contact with he base of your Ti.

If you recently started using your Ti on a strong insulator (on a  
cushion for example) of heat, then that would explain it.

Ideally you want your Ti sitting on a surface that conducts heat  
well, or even better on one of those stands that allows air to  
circulate and more effectively cool it.


On a side note, I was in the Apple store checking out the new  
MacBooks last week. They run just as hot as any Powerbook has. Then I  
was shocked to learn about one of the causes (too much thermal paste  
on the CPU!!).

I wonder if the earlie Powerbooks have the same problem. I'm almost  
tempted to take my Albook apart and check the paste situation :)


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