Interesting! I had a similar problem, which is why I suggested checking the ram, with a friend's computer. On her computer I had the same problem of problems installing the OS but in her case it was not enough ram. Perhaps you do have a bad ram stick and the OS just balks or bogs down on an install if there are ram problems? I have not used Remember but you can use TechTool Pro for all hardware problems (wonderful program imho) or the Apple Hardware Test Disk but it did not sound like you had it as you got it third party. On 2/17/07 5:13 AM, "Andre Truter" <andre at> wrote: > Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote: >> >> On 17 Feb 2007, at 10:40, Andre Truter wrote: >> >>> Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote: >>>> In my view, ALWAYS best to start with a clean disk, if you get a >>>> machine from elsewhere. >>>> >>> This is exactly what I did. >>> Something is not well here. >>> Can it maybe be RAM? >>> How can I test it? >> >> REMBER > > Whoohoo! Finally installed! > > I think it might be the RAM. I removed both RAM chips and then inserted > them again to be sure they are seated OK. Then I ran the installation > and I opened the system Profiler before I started the installation. It > showed on the one RAM chip. > But now the installation is done. > > I will check the installation of the upper chip again and then run REMEMBER. > > > Thanks! > > Andre Truter > _______________________________________________ > Titanium mailing list > Titanium at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: > > Terence Cozad, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist