> From: Arjan Bos <arjan.bos at hetnet.nl> > Subject: Re: [Ti] OT: iPhone - shock ? > > Indeed, and what a suprise it was! iPhone running OS X and not Mac OS > X, Apple Inc, instead of Apple Computer. No iLife / iWork / iMac / > iScreen announcements. Does this mean that we have to look for > another favorite TiBook maker instead? > OS X versus Mac OSX...what? I do not follow. Changing the name makes sense. No iLife updates as they normally have done in the past due to the integration the new iLife will have with Leopard so they will more than likely be released at similar times. No new hardware as most is very current, recently updated...was sort of expecting the new MacPro quad dual core but it will come later obviously. The new screens too...but Apple is apparently spreading out the announcements. Why would you think you have to look for another TiBook maker???