I was surprised to find that the arrival of OS X 10.5 "Leopard" has not even added one post to the List, since 1 October (according to my records) ! Ten days ago, I ordered Leopard from Amazon (UK), and it arrived Monday 29 October. It installed with no issues, very simply, very easily, on my 4+ year old Aluminium G4 Powerbook. These are my observations so far: - it has used up a lot of my disk space ! - Applejack no longer works under Leopard, which is a great pity, as this was my regular maintenance utility. I hope this gets fixed very soon. I feel kind of lost without it.... - FruitMenu and Window Shade X do not work with Leopard. These are part of the way I work, so this is disappointing - Spaces does not seem as sophisticated as You Control Desktops, so I was quite disappointed. It does not seem that each Space can have it's own desktop picture. - TimeMachine took a really long time to create the first backup. Each incremental backup seems huge. I still run Retrospect in parallel, until I feel that TimeMachine can do what I need. I could not see how to look for an unintentionally-deleted file by name, only by location. TimeMachine adapts easily to the situation where I have one backup at home, one at work. It does mean that I have to manually select the right disk at each location. I appreciate the simplicity of TimeMachine, but the downside is that it cannot be customised (the time interval/frequency of backup, for example, is not in my control) - I feel that my Mac is running faster now - every day I am discovering new features I hope some others have some Leopard-on-my-laptop experience to share. regards, Trevor