Jerry. I can also get in using Safari, but I'm using Leopard. Two things you might want to try as you've just upgraded. 1. Reset Safari (there are options so you don't have to reset everything - ie losing all saved passwords). 2. Empty cache. Hope this helps. David On Mar 14, 2008, at 10:55 AM, Obrecht, Jerry A wrote: Hi, all. I am running 10.4.11 on a TiBook. There is one website, my bank's, which I cannot get into. Whenever I try, I get an immediate error from the browser that says to the effect that the server has dropped the connection. This happens with either Safari, Camino, or Firefox, and has been happening for some time, in fact since I first upgraded to 10.4.6. I do not experience a problem using a Windows machine with IE or Firefox. Would you all mind verifying access to the website yourselves, , and letting me know what may be mis-set on my TiBook before I complain to the bank? Thanks in advance, and apologies for cross posting: hoping to reach a wide audience. Jerry _______________________________________________ Titanium mailing list Titanium at