I am using my G4 Powerbook running 10.5.2 with my TimeCapsule500. I am doing something else with the disk at the moment, but I just cannot stop TimeMachine from running. It is switched OFF in the System Preference, I have locked it OFF, and yet it still keeps working ! I have put all my disk partitions in the "do not backup" category, yet it is still running and preparing.... We seem to have very little control over this software ! It just does what it wants, irrespective of how we set the preferences. Did anyone see this kind of issue? Since TimeMachine seems to spend most of its time "Preparing", I had had the idea that maybe I could use SuperDuper to make my backups to the TimeCapsule. It seems to be working OK (not finished the first backup yet). One of the reasons it has not finished is that TimeMachine keeps starting up and consuming resources, even though I have told it not to. I must say, quite to my surprise, that the TimeMachine, and particularly TimeCapsule - although incredibly innovative in concept and promise - are the most difficult Apple stuff I have yet worked with. How do others feel about their experience ? regards, Trevor