Hi Simon That's an excellent story. My own tibook has certainly been very reliable and a real pleasure to work on. Nobody (particularly in the windoze world) would know to look at it that it is an ancient machine. Which have you found are the worst apple laptops in terms of reliability? I read that the coloured clambooks had the least problems overall but they are really ancient machines now. Marcus, I am looking at the quickertek wireless cards as a solution to the wireless problem on the tibook. At 9:01 AM +0000 25/3/09, Simon Royal wrote: >Hi. > >I love the TiBooks because they are so reliable - which a lot of >Apple portables arent. > >The screen is awesome and very clear and even compared to my wifes >new Toshiba laptop it is so thin, small and light. > >They are little work horses. I had a 400mhz about 18 months ago and >loved it, sold it, regretted it and so rescued an 867Mhz one that >needed restoring which is now my main Mac. > >Simon -- regards Clare ************************************************ Clare O'Farrell email: c.ofarrell at qut.edu.au website: http://www.michel-foucault.com ************************************************