<p>Hi all,<br>
I have a similar but more complicated problem with my TiBook 1 Ghz. 15".<br>
It has not been able to boot "cold" for nearly 6 months. The power converter is working fine, and<br>
I have an 867 TiBook I use on this power part of the time and it is working fine. <br>
Not: I have re-set the power re-set under the keyboard, with no help. <br>
I must put power to the TiBook by the A/C converter, push the power switch, will hear the fan, see the apple<br>
logo light on the back of the display light up, (no display illumination, no start-up chime) sometimes the USB <br>
peripherals power up - but nothing else. Then after several minutes, and the keyboard area warms up, magically<br>
it will boot - chime up and run forever. Until I shut it down and let it cool off. <br>
I will not leave it on and asleep because it must be portable for my use.<br>
Possible internal power inverter, main motherboard? Acts like a cracked solder joint or board.<br>
Has anyone else had this problem? I have searched many troubleshooting sites with no real answer<br>
or similar problem. I want to avoid throwing parts at this machine until I have more facts, or find others<br>
that have had the same problem.<br>
I did replace the display and hinges on my 867, so I have been inside and know my way around. There <br>
are about 40 steps to get the wire plugs out through the back of the chassis to remove the display once <br>
you remove most everything from the inside of the TiBook.<br>
Any suggestions are appreciated,<br>
DanWalters </body></html>