<p>Hi Alex,<br>
You are correct about the logo light. I was mistaken about that instance, my wife had it running all day and I simply woke it up in a dark room and saw that logo light. We can usually tell when it is warm enough to boot when the fan or fans start to run. When I need to start it cold, I plug in the A/C, power up with no start-up chime, wait a couple minutes, force shut-down with the power button, then retry start-up, quite often I can get it up after several tries. <br>
(sometimes using Ctrl / Command / power to force the re-start. <br>
So far - always if we let it warm up for 30 minutes or so. Guess I better get everything backed-up before we loose it all. <br>
We are running 10.4.11 and 9.2.2 in Duo boot mode on both TiBooks and have noticed both Ti's fans cycle a lot when we are on the net for long periods of time. Do you know if there is a new fan cycle software update for 10.4.11? <br>
I remember there was an early fan cycling problem with the TiBooks.<br>
We simply love these Duo-Boot TiBooks, especially as we are able to run our ancient O/S 9.2.2 software. I went to E-bay recently and picked up another 867 TiBook just to have as a spare and know we can keep running for several more years.<br>
I don't mean to bore you with all this, but hope I can solve this problem without spending to much money and tearing into this machine more than once.<br>
Thank you for the comments,<br>
Dan </body></html>