Trouble Installing Jaguar onto a Blue & White G3

William Jurgenson wjsjlauffen at
Wed Dec 11 12:51:14 PST 2002

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Not too sure what I did "right," but I had no trouble at all upgrading 
to Jag on my B&WG3/400/640mb ram. I did not do a clean install, in fact 
I was advised not to. OSX is very finicky about hardware. I would check 
the ram - each chip individually starting with just one if it is a 128 
as I assume. Try them all individually. Ram that was fine under 9 does 
necessarily have to good under X, in fact ram that was alright under 
10.1.x may well be troublesome under 10.2.x. I have heard of cases 
where a shop has gone thru half a package of "orginal Qpple" ram until 
a "good chip" was found.
If your G3 is WGS with the UW2 SCSI card, throw the card out, it causes 
trouble under X. Get an IDE HD in that case.

regards, Bill

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