Fwd: X-Apps Digest #796

George Mosley mosley at dircon.co.uk
Wed Dec 3 01:28:48 PST 2003

>> quite right and how stupid of me not to realise. never had to worry 
>> about it before so I had forgotten. thanks for your help
> George
>> Message-Id: <F2FED630-2127-11D8-97F7-000393D47BB2 at imap.cc>
>> From: willie gagnon <williegagnon at imap.cc>
>> Subject: Re: [X-Apps] Mail can't remember passwords
>> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 17:20:47 -0500
>> isn't it a simple keychain problem you have here?
>> On 03-11-27, at 05:01, George Mosley wrote:
>>> Can someone remind me which plist to delete (or any other idea) in
>>> order to get Mail to remember the passwords for my email accounts?
>>> Some file has become corrupted and I keep checking the <Remember
>>> Password> box when I am prompted but the setting doesn't stay once I
>>> quit the Mail programme. I tried deleting the <com.apple.mail.plist>
>>> in my users/library/preferences but that hasn't helped.
>>> Many thanks in advance
>>> George

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