Safari warning...

Chris Foote foote at
Fri Jan 10 09:07:34 PST 2003

>Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 14:31:18 -0800
>Subject: Re: [X-Apps]
>From: Bill Reburn <bill at>
>Message-ID: <BA433836.4942%bill at>
>I fear this may be the culprit behind
>A) Macjanitor not working all of a sudden.
>B) SoftWare Update giving an Unexpected Error when checking for Updates.
>C) Classic not wanting to Startup (which doesn't matter for me anymore,
>because I just turfed it)
>Anyone else?
>On 1/9/03 2:26 PM, "John Pariseau" <simplymail at> wrote:
>>  On Apple's discussions:
>>  Under the Safari Discussions.
>>  It appears some have had their users folders wiped due to Safari 
>>downloading a
>>  file, and
>>  incorrectly naming it. Don't take my word for it - go to the discussions. It
>>  is under the Danger
>>  Danger thread.
>>  I am using Safari, and have had no downloading problems *yet*.
>>  PBG4 550, 10.2.2, Safari 1.0
>Bill Reburn

Sounds like a permissions problem to me. Have you run "repair permissions"?

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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