>Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 10:19:48 -0500 >Subject: [X-Apps] >From: Joe Kimmel <skimmel at bellsouth.net> >Message-ID: <BA5966C4.8E0%skimmel at bellsouth.net> > >Anyone else running OS X on a slow machine (333 iMac). All of a sudden I am >going very slow in my apps. I made a mistake and bought an HP all-in-one >printer, scanner, etc. Well it eats the processor at 90+ % at times and has >many problems. Now...even when I turn that off my mac is running ultra slow >now. I wish there was a good optimizer out there now. I understand the new >DiskWarrior will have one as well as Tech Tool Pro... > >Any other ideas. My HD is a bit full, but I am remedying some of that. That sounds like the 10.2.2 HP slowdown; if you haven't already done it, update to 10.2.3. Chris -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher S. Foote |Internet:foote at chem.ucla.edu 5505C Molecular Science |Phone:(310)-825-1409 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |FAX: (310)-206-1843 University of California, Los Angeles | CA 90095-1569 | http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Organic/CSF_Brochure.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------