I've been toying around with several.. generic .mac photo templates http://homepage.mac.com/timschneider then a localized web server running on my G4 at home (running Michael Mulligans "myPhoto") http://agent0068.dyndns.org/~mike/projects/myPhoto/ this set of scripts selectively share your iPhoto libraries using a local Apache web server. I had to use port 8080 as my ISP typically blocks outbound port 80 traffic. This coupled with a free registration at www.dyndns.org results in the following URL http://tims.homeunix.net:8080/~tims/myPhoto/index.php A couple of others (free) ========================== http://versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/17328 jalbum.. (java based) Free advanced web photo album generator with index pages and slideshows. Now with JSP/ASP-like scripting, integrated smart FTP client, improved EXIF handling and more. Drop folders containing image and movie files onto JAlbum. JAlbum will create thumbnails of your images and display them in index pages in HTML. You can also have JAlbum produce slide shows of your images for easy navigation. The apperance of the generated albums can be fully configured through the use of skins Gallerie ========== This freeware OS X application exports an iPhoto selection as a Web page, adding a few tweaks to iPhoto's built-in HTML export. Didier Guillion has released Galerie 2.5, a freeware program for Mac OS X to export an iPhoto selection as a Web page. The program was written in AppleScript Studio. In comparison to the iPhoto's HTML export, Gallerie provides: Accented character export in HTML; Exif data in Web pages (exposure, aperture, flash, etc.) using the Jhead library (included); improved page appearance; image quality selection; HTML templates; and text fields with image display (for example, copyright information). http://www.myriad-online.com/perso/photos/ http://www.myriad-online.com/perso/photos/galerie.html -- -- karentim at uswest.net Tim and Karen Schneider Gilbert, AZ