Hi I'm pulling my hair out with this one. I was using Outlook Express in OS9, and was getting ready for the switch to Jaguar. I was going to be getting Office for X and I knew you couldn't import Outlook Express data straight into it easily so I left the Mac overnight import all my Outlook data into OS9 Entourage. Then in X I planned to import from OS9 Entourage into OS X Entourage. I hope that made sense so far. Anyhow, money's short so I'm not getting Offie X anymore, so I thought I'd use Mail instead. BUT, when I launch Entourage in Classic it doesn't see my data anywhere, so of course when Mail tries to import it there's nothing to import. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? It doesn't matter where I put my Identities folder, Entourage running in Classic doesn't see it. At the moment I can't switch to OS X which is driving me nuts, and it's all because of this problem. If anyone has got round this I'd love to know how! Cheers Tim Allen. ------