Yet another (addressbook) question

Warren Pollans warren at
Mon Mar 31 07:18:08 PST 2003

I'm in the process of switching from Eudora to on my ibook (10.1.5) and have some addressbook related questions.  

I've imported the mail folders and aliases using EudoraMailboxCleaner - effortless.  Now I have about 300 aliases in the "All" category that I would like to put into other categories.

-->> question#1:  I don't see a way of doing this in bulk - I'd like to be able to select several aliases and put them in category X without having to do them one at a time.  How can I do this?

-->> question#2:  Can I export the address book to a text file? 

-->> question#3:  Are there tools, outside of addressbook, that I can use to manipulate the aliases?  

-->> question#4:  Can I import aliases into a specific category?

Feel free to point me elsewhere.



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