Hello. Today I received a very strange e-mail. Do I have to fear an attack? Robert cited: --MIME_BOUNDARY-8746-0-1053031983-- From info at evocash.com Sat May 24 12:39:03 2003 Return-Path: <info at evocash.com> X-Flags: 1000 Delivered-To: GMX delivery to r_welz at gmx.de Received: (qmail 21951 invoked by uid 65534); 23 May 2003 13:22:09 -0000 Received: from unknown (EHLO mercury.wsg.com) ( by mx0.gmx.net (mx028-rz3) with SMTP; 23 May 2003 15:22:09 +0200 Received: from smtp0552.mail.yahoo.com ([]) by mercury.wsg.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5329); Fri, 23 May 2003 06:19:15 -0700 Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 13:19:16 GMT From: info at evocash.com X-Priority: 3 To: r_welz at gmx.de Subject: *** URGENT *** URGENT *** URGENT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <MERCURY3praZfBGagwi00008d94 at mercury.wsg.com> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 May 2003 13:19:17.0535 (UTC) FILETIME=[E9BEDAF0:01C3212D] X-GMX-Antivirus: -1 (not scanned, may not use virus scanner) X-GMX-Antispam: 5 (Score=2.092; NO_REAL_NAME SUBJ_ALL_CAPS) "GOT YOU" If you were dumb enough to open this email then you will find a WORM has executed itself through your mailbox and by the time you read this into your hard-drive. This is PAYBACK for the Virus you disguised in the email you sent to us recently which destroyed our hard-drive and back-up system. This costs us thousands of dollars and we lost a lot of irreplaceable files on our system. Now it's your turn to have your computer infected and because this is a WORM it is virutally undetectable by AntiVirus software. WORM will drive you and your computer crazy because it's always hiding and causing havoc in your system. Using your computer recovery disks will not remove the problem cause it still stays on your computers Motherboard. This will proabably cost you a new computer and I sincerely hope this teaches you a lesson not to send people nasty viruses again. ----^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^dontexecutethisWORM^------------- ^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^ dontexecutethis WORM^-------------^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^ dontexecutethis WORM^-------------^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^ dontexecutethis WORM^------------- ...snip... ^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^ dontexecutethis WORM^-------------^+Start^=Auto^Execute+^ dontexecutethis WORM^--------- Evocash Administration Inc. Phone: +1 767 4499922 Fax: +1 767 4499922 Easyspace Hostmaster Phone: +44 1932 350 097 Fax: +44 1932 350 222 Technical Contact: Phone: +34 952903260 Fax: +34 952903261