I used Panther's "Connect to server" to try to connect to a Windows machine by entering the IP address on the local network into the server address window. When the userid and password screen came up, I inadvertently entered an invalid password. Now, every time I go to Connect to Server and type in that IP address (a local IP) in the server address window, the connection automatically uses the bad userid/password and I get a "Connecting to Server" popup which says "Connecting to afp://192.168.mumble.mumble" and then "Could not connect to the server because the name or password is not correct." The only choices are "try again" and "cancel" and neither gives me a chance to change the password. I can't find an entry for the IP address in my keychain, or any other way to enter a different userid and password. Deleting the IP address from the favorite servers list in the Connect to servers window doesn't help. Anyone know how to change the password once it's been saved in some mysterious place by Panther?