Shrinking PDFs

John B. Thoo jb2 at
Wed Feb 4 06:16:38 PST 2004

On Wednesday, February 4, 2004, at 05:53 AM, in X-Applications Dan 
Frakes wrote:

> If you created your PDF via OS X's Print dialog, try this:
> Go to the Print dialog, but before you click "Save as PDF..." click on 
> the
> options pop-up menu. Select ColorSync. Then, from the Quartz Filter 
> pop-up
> menu, select Reduce File Size. *Then* click "Save as PDF..." The 
> resulting
> PDF should be smaller. How much smaller depends on your document -- 
> this
> trick works much better on documents with graphics/pictures.

Do you mean to click on what would usually say (for me) "Copies & 
Pages" in the Print dialog box, and then to select "Output Options"?  I 
don't see "ColorSync" after I do that or anywhere in the Print dialog 
box, for that matter.  I'm still using Jaguar; would that make a 
difference?  Thanks.


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