Another Former User of CopyPaste, I now use iSnip <>. a newcomer to the space, it has a user configurable clipboard history defaulting to all clips, and now offers 'rules' which can move things into various folders for saving as an option. you can edit any text clip. its FREE. its one remaining downside (upside?) is that its currently text only. Quoting Gordon Vickrey <oldraven at>: On 2/11/05 9:11 AM, "peter" <peterstj at> wrote: > The Mac clipboard utilities I have found want more attention from the > user. They want the user to manually stick a clip into a pigeonhole or > possess other unnecessary complications. > > Someone please point me to a similar utility for Mac. Formerly a user of CopyPaste, I have found that ShadowClipboard suits me better. It will do what you have requested in Simple Mode, and offers much more in Advance Mode. <>