[X-SW] Disk too slow

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Fri Jan 5 12:51:01 PST 2007

On Jan 5, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Peter Saint James wrote:

> 	I've been getting a warning box in apps like iMovie and Garage  
> Band when I try to record voice that says the disc is too slow.   
> Seem like it shouldn't be.  Is there something that could be  
> slowing it down?
> 	I'm running 10.4.3 on a 1.25 GHz Al Powerbook with a gig of ram.   
> It has an 80 gig disc with about 50 used.

This won't be very helpful, but I have to say you shouldn't be having  
any problems with 30 GB free on the disk. I will note the only time  
I've ever gotten that message was on an iMac DV (veeery old by  
today's standard) when the drive was near full. Defragmenting the  
drive solved the problem for me. It may or may not for you.

One thing you might do is start up Activity Monitor (its in the  
Utilities folder inside Applications), select "Disk Activity" near  
the bottom and move to where you can (hopefully) see that graphic  
while importing. One thing to note is if there is any disk activity  
prior to importing.

While Activity Monitor is going, you might as well also choose the  
"System Memory" tab and see what it shows. Do you still have some  
free memory while importing, or do the Page ins/outs numbers start  
increasing because you're using virtual memory?

That might give you a couple things to try if nobody else has a  
better idea.


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