Rant: These Bloody Ventilators!!!

Philip Mötteli moetteli.bulk at bluewin.ch
Sun Jan 5 05:50:41 PST 2003

Am Sonntag, 05.01.03 um 03:41 Uhr schrieb Brian Farley:
> on 1/5/2003 11:14am, Philip Mötteli at moetteli.bulk at bluewin.ch wrote:
> FWIW, Dr. Botts makes
> some very nice SVGA cables. I bought some of them to put my B&W a ways
> further from my ears.

That's a very great idea! And just like a coincidence, one can't power 
on the new PowerMacs any more from the keyboard. So you buy a very 
expensive computer and then you have to pay all these additions, in 
order to make it usable. A prohibitive marketing strategy for students 
like me.

> Also, there's an outfit in Menlo Park (I forget
> the name) that makes some very nice sound-dempening cabinets.

Again, I have the impression, that Apple wants to help the economy to 
come out of its recession…

> 2. Put it in a well ventilated area. Under a desk? That's a major heat 
> trap. It'll whirr more, echo off of the desk walls, and burn out 
> sooner. Against a wall? Same thing.

You're probably right. But even in normal condition, it's already loud. 
So I try to put it somewhere hidden. Apart from that, I have a small 
room here.

> 3. If it's sitting on something resonant, say, a desktop or wooden 
> floor, you'll hear more noise. A piece of carpet or foam underneath 
> will reduce this sound.

That shouldn't be the problem.

> 4. Software that uses all CPU cycles, like SETI at home, or Folding at home, 
> or even poorly written video games *cough* will keep the CPU hotter.

That's exactly the point, I don't understand. I didn't change the way, 
I use my computer. But suddenly, about a month ago, it started the 
turbo ventilator, usually during the evening. Then I thought, that 
after a long day of working, it is probably a bit hot for it. But now, 
it already starts the turbo during the day. And it's exactly this 
constant acceleration and slowing down, that captures the concentration.

But thanks to all those well minded propositions, I have an idea now, 
that is payable for me: I empty the closest cupboard, make some holes, 
isolate it against noise and put the PowerMac in it. Hope that works.


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