[X-HW] 15" vs 17" 1 Ghz Powerbook

Eugene Lee list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net
Tue May 27 01:47:09 PDT 2003

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 09:41:54AM +0200, Roy van der Westhuizen wrote:
: I have ordered a 17" Powerbook but now here there are 15" 1G demo 
: models for sale. The saving would be substantial, but would it be a 
: case of penny wise pound foolish over time?
: Any opinions would be valued.

Bare Feats did a light comparison of performance for the two.  Here's
the article:


Except for memory tests, everything else comes out almost even.  But I
think the best is said at the very bottom of the article:

	It may be that the advantage of the 17" PowerBook, besides the
	screen size, lies NOT in overall performance but in other
	features such as FireWire 800, AirPort Extreme, Aluminum case,
	and "glow in the dark" keyboard. Now if Apple would just release
	an update of the 15" version with those features...

But the 15" TiBook has one other "advantage": it can boot into OS 9.

Eugene Lee

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