[X-HW] Canon or Nikon cameras and OS X

Andrew T. Lynch atlynch at mac.com
Mon Dec 13 08:57:57 PST 2004

On Dec 13, 2004, at 8:03 AM, John wrote:

>> I have a D70 that I use a lot. Nikon charges extra for the software 
>> to allow the camera to be controlled by a computer. I have not used 
>> it, but there is a 30 day trial period available.
> I did some googling after I finished my final (for class...). 
> Interesting thing I never thought of - this type of camera does not 
> give you a preview even on the LCD screen, due to engineering 
> limitations (ie, mirror in way of photo cell, etc...). The Canon 
> software does do a quick preview. Not sure about the Nikon SW.

This is the nature of the single lens reflex.  The light is either 
going to the viewfinder, or to the sensor, not both.  This is how you 
get a true, through the lens view in the viewfinder.

Canon's remote capture utility comes at no extra charge, and works fine 
on my powerbook with my 10d.  It is slow, since it is only USB 1.0.

>> Probably the biggest downside to the D70, and this would apply to 
>> other digital cameras, is getting dust on the photo cell. I have to 
>> clean mine at least weekly which is a pain.
> Is it durable - to the point where you are not afraid of damaging it?

Just as another datapoint, I have never had to clean my 10D sensor in 
more than a year, and there are no visible dust spots on the images.  I 
would be afraid of damaging the sensor, but I would do it myself 
anyway, if needed, and just be very careful.  There are several 
solutions for this out there, I have heard good things about 
visibledust.com's products.

>> I have never used the built in USB connection to transfer my files to 
>> the computer. I now save all of my images in RAW format and 
>> manipulate them in Photoshop CS using Adobe's RAW image plugin. Works 
>> really very well giving great control over the importing of the 
>> image.
> Good! Does Photoshop CS's plugin work in real time? I don't think I'll 
> be able to get a raw file to test out.

Contact me off-group, and if you like, I will send you a raw file from 
my 10d after work today.
- Andrew T. Lynch
- Chief Zymurgist
- Verisity Design Inc.
- (650)934-6875

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