On 12/2/02 11:56 AM, "Albert W D'Amanda" <aldamanda at comcast.net> wrote: > I believe what is being referred to here is that Apple is releasing > "rumors" that next year, all "new" Apple machines will not be able to > bootup on OS9.2 It's not a rumor. Steve Jobs announced at himself. > Does it mean that If I insert a CD with a bootable, OS9.2 , blessed > System Folder installed , It will not bootup > with the C key depressed? Yes. > My copy of DiscWarrior boots up on its preinstalled OS9.2. I use it to > check out an OSX volume with no problems > But does Apple now mean that with its upcomming "new" machines, this > will not happen? Correct. Shawn King On this week's YML: Mark Greco, Pamela Pfiffner, Virtix.com, Holiday Gift Guide & Expo Special Report! http://www.yourmaclife.com