>At 12:10 PM -0500 12/2/02, Anne Keller-Smith wrote: >This doesn't affect me now, but what will happen when I buy a machine that only runs X? You will have to spend more money to buy programs that will run on OS X--What else? Lately, this idea of constantly spending money to keep up with computers seems maddening. Not to mention that we have to pay for shareware to make OS X like OS 9 because most of us, probably still really like OS 9 or maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it because then we wouldn't be call Mac Users? Maybe Next users? I'm all for not calling OS X, Mac OS anymore. It just doesn't seem right . I'm not sure even Mac likes it. Any votes? But I detract But anyway, I'm going on a tangent; this is in no way particular to OS X. Windows XP is no different. Even though XP has been out for a year or so, there still are not drivers for certain printers; even what seemed like common printers like the 740 and 900. You are expected to buy a printer if you also want to use XP. It's like this vicious circle; yet you wonder, in the end what XP really has to offer that Win2000 doesn't for the average person? .Of course, at some point, you see that fine print "This only runs on XP". Then, you panic! Plus you are expected to be "ethical" and not copy your brothers or friends software and to boot, only use it on one computer? I mean really, the nerve when they're constantly gauging us I guess this is a rant. -- __________________________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup One click access to the Top Search Engines http://www.exactsearchbar.com/mailcom