Breaking the connection to a mounted drive will often do this. If you're patient, it often comes back after about 5-10 minutes. Yesterday, I left my day-job, forgetting to dismount a drive which had been mounted using samba. The first time I put it to sleep (to go home), and woke it up, it didn't notice - possibly because I did not use the Finder. But when I put it to sleep again later, and woke it up again, I got a progress wheel that spun and spun and spun. I've also had this happen when breaking the connection to other-Macintosh drives which were mounted using afp. This seems like a simple bug which Apple could easily fix, and I'm disappointed to see it still happen in 10.2.2. Jerry Krinock San Jose, CA on 02/11/27 11:41, Andrew Murray at narkose17 at wrote: > I need some help in figuring out a problem with the SLEEP mode in OS X. > > A couple of times the computer has been put to sleep and when I > restart(with keystroke) it starts up and hangs with the mouse and the > keyboard not being responsive. I then need to restart the computer to make > it work again. > > I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has the same problem or a solution to > the hassle.